Urbano Alonso Galan, Ph.D., worked as a theologian and philosopher in Madrid (Spain). He earned a doctorate in philosophy and licentiate in theology (cum laude) from the Gregorian University and the Saint Bonaventure Pontifical Faculty, both in Rome. He was a moderator at the Ecumenical Congresses directed by the Vatican and in this capacity worked with Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.
Scientology: A True Religion

In this article, originally published in 1999, Dr. Urbano Alonso Galan outlines—“in an objective and scientific view of the matter”—four aspects that demonstrate Scientology’s rich and inherent religious nature: philosophy and doctrine, ritual, ecumenical orientation, and a final purpose or objective in terms of salvation. Dr. Galan’s analysis is all the more powerful due to its theological comparisons of Scientology with other religious traditions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity,...